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> Apogee Game Collection 1
post 6 Mar 2007, 06:42 PM
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Apogee Game Collection 1

A collection of some of Apogee Games...

- Bio Menace
You are Snake Logan, a top CIA operative who likes to do things his own way. Metro City has fallen under the attack of hideous mutants and your mission is to fly recon over the city and report back.

- Commander Keen
Eight year old Kid genius, Billy Blaze, is in his backyard fort testing out his newly built Photachyon Transceiver. Simply put, it's an instantaneous radio that can pick up signals anywhere in the galaxy.

- Cosmos COsmic Adventure
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure is an exciting journey across a forbidden planet full of dangers and surprises. Can he save his parents before they're lightly seasoned and devoured?

- Crystal Caves
Crystal Caves is a mixing of Nintendo's Mario Brothers, Commander Keen, and Indiana Jones. As with all Apogee games,a high priority has been placed on solving ingenious puzzles built into the game.

- Hocus Pocus
Along the way Hocus will encounter dragons, imps, ghosts and 30 more unique creatures, demons and enemies. Survive,and Hocus becomes a full-fledged, card carrying Wizard.



c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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