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> Wifi Access In A Suburb Of Dc, Alexandria is now fully wireless
post 10 Dec 2006, 09:03 PM
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A DC southern suburb (Alexandria) is now entirely equipped with wireless internet. Whether you are in a train station, sitting on a bench near a Burger King, or even at home, you can now have access to wireless internet in Alexandria. By simply paying a little less than 22 dollars a month, your laptop will connect to the wireless internet in the city of Alexandria.

The mayor has decided to install this internet to create more business , to attract more residents, and to give everyone a chance to get internet for a low price. Technicians have installed 500 wireless booths in the city, and they are planning to expand the system on the entire southern suburbs of DC.

What do you think of this new installation? In your opinion, do you find it useful? Would you like having it in your town/city?


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post 10 Dec 2006, 09:06 PM
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this is also happening in Athens !

we Greeks boast about the biggest Metropolitan Wireless Network in the world !

[wiki]AWMN[/wiki] : Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network

user posted image

Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network is a community radio network based in Athens, Greece. Its members are node owners, comprising the Athens metropolitan area network, which at the moment has roughly 800 active nodes, using 802.11b and 802.11a wireless technology for interconnection.

Its aims include:

* The development and use of community wireless network throughout the greater Athens area.
* The development of wireless technology and its implementation.
* Making the public aware of wireless networks and their use.
* Educating it's members and the public on the use and benefits of wireless networks.


I used to be a part of it back in Feb 2003 and i know that one of the YourForum Moderators, sidis is very active on it !


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post 10 Dec 2006, 09:08 PM
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Does the entire city have access to it? Would you mind giving the monthly price to have access to it?


"YourForum" Moderator.
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post 10 Dec 2006, 09:10 PM
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there is a very small fee as a donation for the members, about 5€

i have no exact amount because back in 2003 when i was part of it i had to serve my duty in the Army so i eventually stopped interacting with it. Later on, ADSL changed the way people experienced broadband


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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