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Banner Designer
49 years old
Gender Not Set
Location Unknown
Born Mar-21-1975
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Source of interest: from a friend who is already member
Zodiac: Aries
Gender: Male
Profile Music: No Information
Joined: 19-September 05
Profile Views: 9878*
Last Seen: 2nd November 2012 - 11:33 PM
Local Time: 12 Feb 2025, 09:42 AM
205 posts (0 per day)
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My Content
17 Feb 2012
DimTsak has submitted this broken game report for Tsak Ball

Error: Your score will not be saved. v2 gname does not match.
10 Aug 2010
DimTsak has just set a new score of 11 in Tsak Ball
3 Mar 2008

This convertor can convert the following archives:

to the following ones:
Includes the EXE from the archiver
Automatic password detection from archive
Multilanguage: English, German, Taiwan, Dutch and Italian

Download ArcConvert
18 Feb 2008
Unlock your IPHONE

The process of jailbreaking, activating and unlocking a brand new phone with version of 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 is less than 3 minutes!
.NET framework 2.0 required

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New ZiPhoneWin-3.0
Password: www.yourforum.gr

iPhone firmware files

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1.0.1: iPhone1,1_1.0.1_1C25_Restore.ipsw
1.0.2: iPhone1,1_1.0.2_1C28_Restore.ipsw
1.1.1: iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw
1.1.2: iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw
1.1.3: iPhone1,1_1.1.3_4A93_Restore.ipsw
1.1.4: iPhone1,1_1.1.4_4A102_Restore.ipsw

Download/Upload files from your phone (WinSCP)


iPhone Swirly MMS: Cosmote, Vodafone, Wind setup
by iPhone Hellas

Έχετε το Swirly MMS και δεν ξέρετε τι ρυθμίσεις χρειάζονται για να στείλετε και να λάβετε MMS; Διάβαστε παρακάτω:

Proxy :
APN : mms
Username: - {blank}
Password: - {blank}

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Proxy :
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Username: user
Password: pass

MMSC :http ://
Proxy :
APN: mnet.b-online.gr
Username: mms
Password: mms

Thanks www.iphonehellas.gr
21 Aug 2007
Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0

Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Professional software is the advanced way for business professionals to create, combine, control, and deliver more secure, high-quality Adobe PDF documents for easy, more secure distribution, collaboration, and data collection.Assemble electronic or paper files—even Web sites, engineering drawings, and e-mail—into reliable PDF documents that are easy to share with others using free Adobe Reader software.
Manage document reviews, synthesizing feedback from multiple reviewers while preserving document format and integrity. Extend commenting capabilities to anyone using Adobe Reader. Windows users can design intelligent Adobe PDF forms that include business logic, such as calculations and data validations, to help increase the accuracy of data collection while reducing the costs of manual data entry.

* Create. Easily create Adobe PDF documents from Microsoft Office, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Project, Visio, Access, Publisher, AutoCAD, Lotus Notes, or any application that prints.
* Combine. Combine documents, drawings, and rich media content into a single, polished Adobe PDF document. Optimize file size, and arrange files in any order regardless of file type, dimensions, or orientation.
* Collaborate. Enable users of Adobe Reader software (version 7.0 or 8) to participate in shared reviews.Use the Start Meeting button to collaborate in real-time with the new Adobe Acrobat Connect line of products.
* Collect. Easily collect and distribute forms, combine collected forms into a searchable, sortable PDF package, and export collected data into a spreadsheet. (Windows only)
* Control. Control access to and use of Adobe PDF documents, assign digital rights, and maintain document integrity.

Acrobat Professional Features:

Create and optimize Adobe PDF documents:
* Easily create Adobe PDF documents
Create Adobe PDF documents with one-button ease from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Windows users can also create PDF documents with one-button ease from Outlook, Internet Explorer, Project, Visio, Access, Publisher, AutoCAD, and Lotus Notes files.
* Scan to PDF with OCR
Scan paper documents with OCR technology to create compact, searchable Adobe PDF documents.
* Convert e-mail to Adobe PDF files
Convert e-mail in Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes to Adobe PDF documents to facilitate searching, archiving, and retrieval. (Windows only)
* Capture web pages as Adobe PDF files
Convert web pages to Adobe PDF documents to easily print, archive, mark up, or share. (Windows only)
* Create in PDF/A or PDF/X
Create documents in PDF/A, the ISO standard for long-term archiving of electronic documents, or PDF/X, the ideal format for high-quality, professional printing.

Combine files from multiple applications:
* Combine and optimize documents
Combine documents, drawings, and rich media content into a single, polished Adobe PDF document. Optimize file size, and arrange files in any order regardless of file type, dimensions, or orientation.
* Maintain individual file security settings
Maintain individual digital signatures and security settings in PDF files and forms when combining them into a single PDF package.
* Include only the pages you need
Specify which pages, layouts, or sheets should be included from source files in your final, combined Adobe PDF document.
* Optimize Adobe PDF output
Select from multiple file size and quality settings to optimize PDF output for your intended purpose.
* Quickly regenerate a combined PDF file
Re-create a combined Adobe PDF document after revising source files, without having to locate and gather the native files again.
* Unify with headers, footers, and watermarks
Automatically remove headers and footers from source files and add unifying headers, footers, or watermarks to your combined Adobe PDF document.
* Attach native files
Share source files by attaching them to your Adobe PDF document in their original, native formats.

Enhance and extend document collaboration:
* Conduct e-mail–based reviews
Initiate a document review in Adobe PDF via e-mail. Merge inbound comments and markups from all reviewers into one PDF document with a single click.
* Manage shared reviews
Easily conduct shared reviews — without IT assistance — that allow review participants to see one another's comments and track the status of the review.
* Enable collaboration tools in Adobe Reader
Enable users of free Adobe Reader software* to participate in e-mail– or server-based reviews using all of the commenting and markup tools in Acrobat 8 Professional, including notes, stamps, highlighter, pencil, lines, shapes, and more.
* Track reviews and manage comments
Track which reviewers have contributed feedback, send reminders, and add new participants. Easily compile all comments into a single Adobe PDF document.
* View and print comments
View and print feedback for easy reconciliation. Sort comments by author, date, or page. Search comments for words or phrases.
* Export comments to Word or AutoCAD
Select and export comments back to your original Word or AutoCAD file. Comments appear in Word as tracked changes and in AutoCAD as a separate layer.

Streamline data collection with Adobe PDF forms:
* Get started with form templates
Take advantage of an existing library of common form templates, such as human resources forms, invoices, and expense reports.
* Easily create forms
Create fillable forms for distribution by e-mail or on the web from scanned paper, PDF documents, Microsoft Word documents, or Excel spreadsheets.
* Auto-recognize form fields
Automatically locate form fields in static PDF documents and convert them to interactive fields that can be filled electronically by anyone using free Adobe Reader software*.
* Optimize form workflow
Easily distribute forms; combine collected forms into a searchable, sortable PDF package; and export collected data into a spreadsheet.
* Enable form features in Adobe Reader
Enable users of Adobe Reader software* to type information directly into Adobe PDF forms and save them locally for offline use.†

Apply advanced document controls and security:
* Apply passwords and assign permissions
Restrict access to Adobe PDF documents using 128-bit encryption. Set document permissions to help restrict who can print, save, copy, or modify a document.
* Sign documents digitally
Apply digital signatures to authenticate documents, manage their status, and help protect against unauthorized modification.
* Enable digital signatures in Adobe Reader
Enable Adobe Reader users* to digitally sign PDF documents.
* Remove hidden data
Inspect Adobe PDF documents for metadata, hidden layers, and other concealed information, and remove as needed.
* Permanently remove sensitive information
Use redaction tools to permanently remove sensitive text, illustrations, or other information from the Adobe PDF document.
* Protect attached files
Protect files attached to your Adobe PDF documents with 128-bit encryption.

New Features in Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0:
- Combine multiple files into a PDF package
- Auto-recognize form fields
- Manage shared reviews
- Enable advanced features in Adobe Reader
- Permanently remove sensitive information
- Archive Microsoft Outlook e-mail in PDF
- Archive Lotus Notes e-mail
- Save in Microsoft Word
- Enjoy improved performance and support for AutoCAD
- Take advantage of a new, intuitive user interface

Homepage - http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobatpro/

Size: 263 MB

Download Trial

Use download accelerators : Right-click on Download link and "Save Target As..."

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21 Mar 2018 - 13:47

31 May 2011 - 10:12

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