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> Search Spiders & Invision Power Board
post 2 Aug 2007, 01:33 AM
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This site provides very detailed resources ( user agents ) for IPB webmasters :




c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 2 Aug 2007, 02:25 PM
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This is a good find for advanced programmers that understand the mechanics of working with bots directly. Be advised though, what they don't inform you of in the IPB site is that using these listings directly in your site the ' wrong way ', which is ANY way without knowing the rules and regulations for using them in your ' robot.txt ' files, ( the text document that allows the settings for what you want want and don't want to allow the bots to read in your site while indexing ).

This WILL result in you not only facing the risk of being deleted from the listings but to risk further, greater damage of being banned and blacklisted for using ' blackhat ' techniques, ( blackhat is a common slang term for using illegal or foul tactics for working your better standing into any computer related process by working deliberately outside of the guidelines, rules and terms of use of that service, software or system ).

For the novices that see this and want to take advantage of it, Use the knowledge of this listing site to learn about the smaller search engines you can submit to that own these bots. Take advantage of the smaller listings that will accept your site for raising your content links list rather than using it to risk getting banned by manipulating the bots in anyway on your site to get short-lived quicker results. I promise you that this will be nothing but trouble down the line should a search engine blackball you and you find out in checking your ranking, only to see that they have replaced your results of a ranking page for an error page that states something along the lines of...

" Sorry, the site that you are searching for has been permanently banned from this search engine due to terms of service violations. "

If it happens, it will only take one to make it into an instant chain of investigations and banning by the rest of the search engines soon to follow, as they do monitor their competition closely and do work together to outlaw abuse tactics across the board to prevent over-aggressive upgrades like those of Google this past year.

Now, in closing, I want to say again that this is a great find for the learning and understanding of bots/spiders. However, remember to use this knowledge in the right way and please don't abuse it. It only makes it harder and harder on all of us in the long run. Use this list to find out how these bot programs specifically work to better your rank. Don't attache these things to your site. Submit properly and let the legit method of bringing the spiders to you, with keywords, content and links.



Reflect before you act with the ' rocking chair test '...If you imagine yourself in your golden years, looking back on your life from a rocking chair, enjoying your final changes to see a sunset and reflect on an action as if it is already completed...take notice and warning that whatever you regret in that future will be the same regret you hold in the present once it is done.
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post 2 Aug 2007, 02:47 PM
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Yes, that is true and not only that : I once used a huge spider list and i had errors at a particular point, when new members clicked on the validation link. They did register 100% but the error thrown to them was ugly and annoying to a perfectionist default.wink.gif

So i reduced the list to a sensible length and things work fine.


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 4 Oct 2007, 09:11 PM
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I always had the problem of the bots indexing my sesitive files that would have gave out info that would tell people my DB name and stuff.

Of course i fixed that now w/ the robots.txt

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post 11 Nov 2008, 09:45 AM
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Where you are going to meet new year?
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post 4 Jan 2009, 03:31 PM
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Promote Your Website, Product or Services on Forums Worldwide
We can post your promotional message on millions of forums worldwide. No, this isn't spam email. It's penetrating online established communities relative to your website, product or services. Not only does this increase SEO & Web Traffic, but by targeting forums relative to your online activity, you are able to increase potential sales.

The post will appear exactly like this post.

You define the TITLE, POST, & ANCHOR TEXT which can include url back links to your website.

Watch Step-By-Step Video Demonstration

The Price List:
100,000 Unique Forum Posts: $75
400,000 Unique Forum Posts: $250

Feel free to contact us directly via ICQ: 162456288 or Click Here to visit our Website .

Why Use Our Services?
Improve SEO & Search Engine Rankings, Gain Alexa Ratings, Increase Traffic, Brand Your Domain & Products, Improve Sales & Market Potential, etc.

Note - This post was published by our automated software.

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post 17 Feb 2009, 12:45 PM
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Hello friends,

I hope this is the right place to post this - if not I apologize!

Anyway, I am new around here but I have been a web developer for more than two years. I recently made a new design for my arcade games website and I'd really like to get feedback on it from you guys.
Both positive and negative feedback are appreciated so don't hold back please.
I worked into the flash header - so specific comments on it would be fantastic (which animation do you like best?)

Thank you!
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post 3 Jul 2009, 02:39 PM
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Welcome to my thread...

Wow - Hope I'm not way off-topic by announcing my new Online Gambling Blog called Post691.com.
There's a lot of important Gambling, Sports Betting & Online Casino Information. I've done my best to provide a nice library relative to the History of Gambling.

Online Gaming Casino Gambling News
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post 16 Sep 2009, 09:09 AM
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Has anyone here tried the 3Dmagix animation software yet?

How does 3d magix compare to Maya or 3DMax?

If you're into 3d animation, do share your thoughts.

Thanks - appedywip
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post 2 Aug 2010, 03:01 AM
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I've got a new website

I'm really wondering to know blackhat Optimization help?

Can this Black Hat SEO Discussion improve my rankings?

Any help would be appreciated
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