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Shopping section

Shopping is now, for many people, a hobby; spending a lot of money on the latest brands, going shops to shops, and enjoying the fact of shopping! You might be a shopping fan, and you might want to share some of your experiences. Share with us shops you might know, whether they are local, national, or international: we want to know!

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> Creating Your Shop, What would you do if you owned a shop?
post 4 Dec 2006, 04:33 PM
Post #1

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Let's say the Athens regional administration contacts you to open a store. They say there isn't enough shops in the city, and they are trying to develop business in Athens.

You are very interested by this offer, and you are now up to that project; creating your own store.
What kind of shop would you create? Here are the guidlines to post your answer:

- Name of your store:

- Where will it be located:

- What will it sell:

- How many employees will you have:

- Will you expand it on the entire country?

Here is my version:

- Name of your store: Sporting goods NB (SGNB).

- Where will it be located: Downtown Athens.

- What will it sell: Sporting goods (apparels, sport suits, equipments, etc.)

- Will you expand it on the entire country? Yes, it will. It will have few locations in the main cities of Greece.


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post 4 Dec 2006, 04:40 PM
Post #2

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nice smile.gif

- Name of your store: HyperAssistance Technical Services

- Where will it be located: Online !

- What will it sell: Technical Services

- How many employees will you have: me for start, working online and remotely assisting people with computers everwhere in the world

- Will you expand it on the entire country? Edit: You forgot to answer this question. smile.gif


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 4 Dec 2006, 04:45 PM
Post #3

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You are an online fan!


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post 4 Dec 2006, 04:47 PM
Post #4

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expand on the entire country ? if i started this i would have to expand to the entire globe to make it profitable and enjoyable smile.gif


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 5 Dec 2006, 04:24 PM
Post #5

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Well i will do this after the army, in about a year from now.

I will open a small printing company.

- Name of your store: This will be announced at the openings!

- Where will it be located: A bit outside Athens.

- What will it sell: Creative solutions on printed materials and multimedia creations. There will be a pc, a mac, a digital printer, an offset with one tower and an old typography machine.

- How many employees will you have: Me, my partner and one secretary.

- Will you expand it on the entire country? It's a dream. But as Puressence say "what are dreams if not made real?"

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post 5 Dec 2006, 09:34 PM
Post #6

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Is it easy to create a business in Greece?


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post 9 Dec 2006, 10:55 AM
Post #7

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Bureaucracy : i read lately that in Australia ( and not in Qatar or Kaiman Islands ) it takes 10-20 papers and roughly 5 business days to start a new business. In Greece you need 50+ papers from different agencies and moire than 30 business days to do so...


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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