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> Infogrames
post 25 Feb 2006, 03:56 PM
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Infogrames Entertainment SA (IESA) is an international holding company headquartered in Lyon, France. It owns controlling interest in Atari, Inc., headquartered in New York, N.Y., USA, and Atari Europe. It was founded in 1983 by Bruno Bonnell and Christophe Sapet in Lyon. Through its subsidiaries, Infogrames produces, publishes and distributes interactive games for all major video game consoles and computer game platforms.

According to Bonnell on a television interview, the founders used a
mix-and-match computer program to suggest names for their new company,
one of which was "Infogramme": a portmanteau of the French
words "informatique" (information technology) and "programme" (a
computer program). The final choice, "Infogrames", was a slightly
modified version of that suggestion, and is properly pronounced
"IN-foe-gramz" — it is unrelated to the English word "games". However,
in English, it is sometimes misunderstood as a misspelling of Infrogames, and sometimes referred to thereof.

Old corporate logo

Infogrames, Inc. was also the name of the official North American subsidiary of Infogrames Entertainment SA. It was founded in 1993 as GT Interactive, and purchased in 1999 by Infogrames. In 2001, Infogrames, Inc. purchased and absorbed Hasbro Interactive, which encompassed Microprose, Atari and Games.com. In 2003, Infogrames, Inc. officially changed its name to Atari, Inc.

In late 1980s Infogrames was noted for its French computer games
that featured often original gameideas and occasionally humouristic
content. Since 1996 Infogrames/Atari has acquired many companies in the video games market. In addition to GT Interactive and Hasbro Interactive, they include: Ocean Software, Gremlin Interactive, Accolade, and Shiny Entertainment.


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 25 Feb 2006, 04:00 PM
Post #2

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Group: Admin
Posts: 115771
Joined: 3-June 05
From: Athens, Greece
Member No.: 1
Zodiac Sign: I'm a leo!
Gender: I'm a m!


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Short Release Statistics
1987 1 1988 1 1989 2
1990 0 1991 1 ???? 4

  • Bob Moran, 19??
  • Bobo, 19??
  • Final Assault, 1988
  • Hostages, 1989
  • Inheritance 2, 19??
  • L'Affaire Vera Cruz, 19??
  • North & South, 1991
  • Prohibition, 1987
  • Tintin On The Moon, 1989
  • Bob Moran, 19??
  • Bobo, 19??
  • Inheritance 2, 19??
  • L'Affaire Vera Cruz, 19??
  • Prohibition, 1987
  • Final Assault, 1988
  • Hostages, 1989
  • Tintin On The Moon, 1989
  • North & South, 1991


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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