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> Shopping

Shopping section

Shopping is now, for many people, a hobby; spending a lot of money on the latest brands, going shops to shops, and enjoying the fact of shopping! You might be a shopping fan, and you might want to share some of your experiences. Share with us shops you might know, whether they are local, national, or international: we want to know!

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> Shopping Online, your thoughts
post 12 Dec 2006, 06:19 PM
Post #1

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From: Athens, Greece
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Zodiac Sign: I'm a leo!
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Do you often see those signs while shopping ? default.biggrin.gif

Do you like to to shop online ? are you intimidated by possible dangers with e-shopping ?

Do you worry about quality of goods, services, or credit card fraud ?

Have you ever used online shopping ? Do you like the diversity of goods, the global appeal and possibilities it brings ? Which is the largest ( most expensive ) order you have ever placed online ?

And a lot more questions. Stay tuned.

NickTheGreek - a dedicated e-shopper default.biggrin.gif


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post 12 Dec 2006, 09:12 PM
Post #2

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I enjoy doing some shopping on Ebay, and Amazon. They are two very secure sites, and Ebay has PayPal -- a fine paying service.

However, I happen sometimes to search on Google some products, and they send me to unknown sites that sell apparels. I usually order on them if they have famous, and secured paying services, because others can rip-off your credit card!


"YourForum" Moderator.
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post 14 Dec 2006, 10:55 PM
Post #3

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From: Athens, Greece
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Zodiac Sign: I'm a leo!
Gender: I'm a m!

I have made a lot of online purchases... really a lot !

I buy software, web services, script services, hosting services, forum licenses, MAME ROMs (a long time ago), VIP accounts in -really undeground- forums, advertising services, hardware, gifts for friends, coins, t-shirts, consumer electronics (both my TV DVD players arrived from Germany), etc etc

I am very serious on credit card security and never take any risks....

Doing this since 2001.


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 16 Dec 2006, 12:29 AM
Post #4

Pink Panther
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Zodiac Sign: I'm a virgo!
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I see those signs in my dreams as well!!! default.tongue.gif Woohoo!!! Love the shopping, I agree, I like buying online ebay, amazon, costco, sams club, etc ... so far I have never had a problem with any of them, quality is always what I expect, but I research before I buy online to make sure I am getting exactly what I want. So far I haven't bought anything out of the US so I'm not sure how well it works that way. But I'm sure I will someday and I will let you all know. However for clothing and shoes, I have to go to the shops, I must try them on before I buy!

user posted image Look at me now, I am the green fairy! A.K.A. the Recipe Queen, do you know why ? user posted image
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post 16 Dec 2006, 08:57 AM
Post #5

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There's a Costco 30 minutes away from my house, and they have pretty good deals!

My wife does online shopping for food. What about you?


"YourForum" Moderator.
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post 11 May 2013, 06:53 AM
Post #6

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Online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from merchants over the Internet. Since the emergence of the World Wide Web, merchants have sought to sell their products to people who spend time online.

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