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> Trains In The World, Tell us how are trains in your country!
post 3 Dec 2006, 08:56 PM
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Trains are used everywhere, and mainly used inside countries.

In the USA, our railways are a disaster. Amtrak is the main train operator, a state-owned company, and their service is terrible! The only line that makes a small success is DC to New-York. However, lines from New-York to Los Angeles are really bad, and no one rides these kind of trains! The airlines is the best way to travel in the USA, as there are so many cheap companies.

How are trains in your country? Are they fast? Are they good to ride on? Would you mind giving some of your experiences when you were riding a train?


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post 3 Dec 2006, 09:33 PM
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There are two train stations side by side in Athens, one for Northern Greece and the other for the Peloponessos, on Theodorou Diligiani street. To get there from Omonia walk down Agia Konstaninou street to Kariaskakis Square and then walk around the square to your right until you come to Theodorou Diligiani street. You can get the schedules for clicking on the above links.


As i mentioned in another post in the Travel section, there are 2 different rail systems in our country... they use different rails (width) and different trains !

The fact alone that the southern part is smaller and less important than the northern one ( connecting Athens to Salonika, the 2nd biggest city in the country and with other Balcan countries ) has led the Southern Rail system to deterioration ... sad.gif

It can take up to 7 hours to travel from Athens to my hometown. [wiki]Kalamata[/wiki] while it can be less than 3 with a car...

This is fr


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post 4 Dec 2006, 08:21 AM
Post #3

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The public transportation budget in Greece doesn't seem to be good enough. I don't understand why they invest a coach system, when they could be improving their railways by investing more into it. I understand taking the airplane inside Greece is too complicated, but railways can go "anywhere".


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post 9 Dec 2006, 10:52 AM
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airports in Greece is an issue , as you said : we are talking about dozens of islands, each one with their own needs...


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post 9 Dec 2006, 03:23 PM
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I suppose boats are used pretty often to get to islands, but are they planning on building more smaller airports for islands?


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post 9 Dec 2006, 03:46 PM
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there is a very serious negligence regarding smaller islands : since regular schedules are not profitable to ship companies ( especially during winter months ) people living in those islands have a really hard time : you may have to wait 5 days for milk sometimes.

This is a result of self-sufficient and private companies taking control of the Aegean cruises and not the state. It had to go that way but now new problems arise.

Smaller airports are also unlikely to happen on a grand scale : Olympic Airways is nearly sold and non profitable for years now and not many other companies compete for the Aegean field


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