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> Mcdonalds; Do You Like It Or Not?, The Fast-food leader in the world...
post 3 Dec 2006, 07:00 PM
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McDonald's is now the Fast-food leader in the world, and the Fast-food inventor. They are the first to invent the fast-food concept, and up to now is making a tremendous success. You might prefer the normal restaurant, where you sit and get served within a longer period, but some prefer going to a fast-food where you are served in the coming seconds. McDonald's is an ennemi of the "normal" restaurants, but fast-food still wants to change the restaurant concept; getting served instantly instead of waiting for many minutes.

In my opinion, the fast-food concept is amazing. Though I don't go there often, I usually appreciate not having to wait for a long time and get my food in a short amount of time. McDonald's is everywhere in the world and when I travel, I usually like going time to time to fast-foods. You might think that's not a good choice to make, while I could be discovering new kind of food, but that is how I am! default.biggrin.gif However, fast-food is more of junk food and makes many people "fat". Many people go to McDonald's every single day! Within few months, they become obese.

What do you think of fast-foods? Do you prefer going in other kind of restaurants? Do you often go to fast-foods?

Please note I do not wish to post this topic in the "Restaurant" section, as fast-foods are located "everywhere" in the World, and it's now considered as a new way of "shopping". This is now a review, but a debate. Thank you for understanding.


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post 3 Dec 2006, 07:07 PM
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well, i am into really crazy rhythms in my everyday life so i tend to eat that way, though i think the Mediterranean way of cooking ( olive oil, vegetables, slow cooking and nice spice ) is the best in the world...

I sometimes enjoy the fast food approach because it gives me time to do other things that needs to be taken care of


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post 3 Dec 2006, 07:08 PM
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Do you usually go to McDonalds, or to other kind of Fast-foods?


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post 3 Dec 2006, 07:25 PM
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in Greece we have Goody's, it is a greek owned franchise with very high popularity, it even surpasses McDonalds in the whole country


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post 3 Dec 2006, 08:47 PM
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Does Goody's have a similar menu than McDonald's? Does this company plan to become international?

However, let's stay on topic. Knowing that some of you like Fast-foods, are you globally satisfied by the staff there?

In my opinion, the staff isn't that polite but in most cases, they make sure we get our food in a short amount of time.


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post 3 Dec 2006, 11:29 PM
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considering the fact they are underpaid and overused in 99% of the cases i think we can live with that


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post 4 Dec 2006, 03:12 PM
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Those that work in fast-foods are usually students; they don't ask for much, as they are mainly trying to pay their university. Sometimes I do happen to see unpleasent people at McDonald's, but if you start yelling at them, they won't serve you!


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post 4 Dec 2006, 03:57 PM
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I agree with the student part, it is very common for University students here to be part of it... Yet sometimes we have middle-aged people and i could never even look at them in a strange way, even if i am going to suffer from bad service


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post 30 Dec 2010, 11:59 AM
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I prefer KFC default.biggrin.gif
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post 10 Apr 2013, 11:38 AM
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I like McDonald lots, whenever I want something quick for my hunger then only this fast food corner is came in my mind.

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