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> Yourforum : A Walkthrough, manifested by NickTheGreek
post 7 Feb 2006, 02:05 AM
Post #1

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Joined: 3-June 05
From: Athens, Greece
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nce upon a time there was a land of great fun and glory, the kingdom of YourForum...

People used to come and go to the kingdom, searching for knowledge, searching for fun, searching for both... and sometimes searching for nothing...

There were really nice paintings there and people liked to see the art of other human beings...

But they also liked to peek on Diaries and secrets were revealed in front of their eyes, these were times of magic.

The Castle had 3 Gates people used to enter : The Old One, The Majestic one and, finally, the most important, The Delicate One.

When visitors had some free time, they loved playing around in the Hall Of Games, and this was by far the most beloved spot in the entire citadel.

Kingdom supporters wore Special Robes and Armor

You could walk peacefully in the city and then, out of nowhere, you would notice some fellow Dwarves beside you, or even an Elf !

There were Yards for people to shout or talk endlessly, there were even Royal Banners and Royal Signs

People also enjoyed themselves in the Theatre or listening to Music Concerts !

And if this story made you dizzy or left your quest unfinished, here you may find some answers you crave for.


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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