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> YourForum BLOGs: NickTheGreek's Blog - My Alienware Sentia Lives Again !
post 26 Apr 2009, 10:55 PM
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yourforum Robot
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I am back from the island of Milos where i had a great time !!!

( expect full photos soon, meantime visit http://www.photosofmilos.com that my friend thanos keeps solid )

The only amazing and annoying event happened last week (Thursday at 3am) when we had 3 laptops on the kitchen table and i was the last to go to bed so i powered off all computers and disconnected from the mains, to avoid anyone tripping on the cables.

Then in the morning my friend noticed the water on the tabke and dried his own which had the most ( and yet it works fine ).

Hear the most peculiar : the drops were fallin on it but if it was any other laptop then there would be no leak inside and behind the laptop, but this one has an alien face on it that lights ( have u seen how the alienwares are ? much like a Dell with extra design lol )

I left it for the time being because the spare barebone was at home. CPU, RAM, HD etc seemed intact and it never even booted to smell like burning so i was optimistic, in the worst scenario i will install everything in the other barebone i have at home...

This Alienware laptop means a lot to me, it was manually assembled by me and other technicians and i have travelled all around the world with it ...

So, latest news : returned an hour ago back home and successfully transplanted a T7200 CPU, 2GB RAM, 7200RPM HD, Slot-In DVDRW plus the wireless adapter and all seem to be working fine ! View the full article
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