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> Super Shuttle, Taking you to your home for a fair price
post 4 Dec 2006, 05:13 PM
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This is an existing company.

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What is Super Shuttle?

Super Shuttle is a rival to the "normal" taxi business. Super Shuttle takes you from an airport, to your home/hotel. The difference with a taxi is that you ride with 5 persons in one van, instead of having a taxi to yourself. However, by riding on Super Shuttle; you don't pay much to get to your destination. It sure takes a little longer than a Taxi, but for those who do not want to pay a high price; this is the good solution.

Where is it located?

Super Shuttle is located in the USA, in more than 20 main airports. It serves cities, and suburbs. It's planning on expanding in France, Spain, and England. These cities do not offer an on-demand service, and are mainly operated by taxi companies.

Would you like having this concept in Athens? Do you think it's a good concept?


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post 4 Dec 2006, 06:35 PM
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seems like a smart solution, it splits the cost and ease of transport smile.gif

could be profitable in Athens, but then, motorbike taxis were fashionable at a moment ( no traffic at all with it ) but i do not see so much praise in the concept lately


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post 4 Dec 2006, 06:54 PM
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Are there a lot of motorbike taxis in Athens? I'm sure it reduced the amount of traffic.


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post 9 Dec 2006, 10:49 AM
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here are not many unfortunately.

Traffic is overwhelming at all times and if there was something that could reduce it it is the subway : but it is expensive to build, takes time to finish and there are implications sometimes because of the archaic underground of Athens : few cities have so many layers of previous civilization artifacts below their complex


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 9 Dec 2006, 12:49 PM
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Do you know how many stations the city of Athens wants to create for the subway? I'm sure it would reduce the traffic in Athens, but here in DC, even with a subway, the beltway is jammed in the morning and evening !


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