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Business Section section

This section will provide our members with weekly tutorials regarding SEO and proper business representation on hte Internet.

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> Seo Tutorials
post 31 Jul 2007, 02:48 PM
Post #1

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Our new member [member]aftershock2020[/member] will expand our horizons in a subject that everybody is talking about but few know the facts and details about. SEO to many webmasters seems a mystery and first page rankings are sometimes considered as tricks smile.gif

Welcome aboard [member]aftershock2020[/member]


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 31 Jul 2007, 02:55 PM
Post #2

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Thanks for the welcome, Nick.

For any members that have any questions on the topic, please feel free to ask here. I will answer them in the most timely manner that I can.

The first tutorial will be coming up in a few.


Reflect before you act with the ' rocking chair test '...If you imagine yourself in your golden years, looking back on your life from a rocking chair, enjoying your final changes to see a sunset and reflect on an action as if it is already completed...take notice and warning that whatever you regret in that future will be the same regret you hold in the present once it is done.
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