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> Tutorial: How The Search Engines Work-part 1, The basics of how the main search engines work and how we can use them
post 31 Jul 2007, 04:04 PM
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In this tutorial, I'm going to keep on the point of ' how ' search engines really work. This is a very important article of information that people only think they know in most cases. I'm about to pull back the curtain and show you how the wizards out there really work this stuff to gain top rankings.

First, let's look at what the key elements are that a search engine gives points to your page ranking within the engine data directories, ( data directories are the databases on the search engine servers that store your website information that creates your statistical results ).

Here they are:

* Keywords
* Content
* Links

Now, I know you are reading this and thinking, ' that's wrong, everyone says keywords don't work anymore ', right? WRONG! They just don't work in the same way they once did. The keyword that you tag your website with is still your most important element because no matter what changes on how the keyword is used to score your ranking points within a search engine, it is still the main point of how the searching user finds you...by the keyword or keyphrase that they type in to find you within that engine database. It is the core of locating your site. Don't ever let anyone tell you different. To releave you of any doubt of this being true, simply go to your favorite search engine homepage and search for something.

Next, we have content that comes into play. Content is the first of the two power-players in controlling your search engine ranking score, ( the positive points that you collect during a search engine review of your website for rank placement on the keyword search results list ), and where you come out in the user's results page. Content is simply not just stuff on your website as people will have you believe. It is really the amount of RELEVANT material on your website in relation to your keyword and the catagory/topic that your site falls under due to that keyword.

For example, if your site is about chicken soup , putting the words ' chicken soup ' in your site text over and over isn't going to work. However, mentioning it at random, never more than 3 times is fine, as long as it is natural and serves a purpose, not just being placed there for false/abusive keyword density, ( the old method of over-using keywords by repeating them within the site text ).

The correct way to do this is by saying something like this...

' There are many various ways to make chicken soup. When my mother made her stock, she made it with fresh boiled chicken, carrots, celery and onion. I can remember it like it was yesterday, the moment she would come out of the kitchen set a bowl full with a special spoon that I loved to eat soups and stews with.

Remember that it is all about relating the content, not repeating it.

There is another way to use content as well, which is to constantly change it. By building on your content and expanding on the topic at hand, you will always come into a better ranking when the search engine spiders , ( robot prorams that look through your website and index the information for updating your records within the search engine databases to give the best description to the user that selects your listing within the search results ), index your site. The way this works is simple. You have your story content about your mom's version of chicken soup for a few days and then you update your content by replacing the story about mom's soup with...

' I just got this new recipe and great story in from...'

You place that story and rotate out the picture of mom's soup you had up there prior and post a picture of a stock pot, lid and spoon, sitting with some veggies on a counter. That is changing your content and in doing this, once the spiders re-index your website, it will have changed from your mom's story to this new one, which will update your site history as ' being active ', which gives you points from the search engines.

A prime example of this is this very forum. Everytime someone makes a post, the spiders come along and re-index that eventually and all of those posts are read and counted as updates, which again, score points for the website in the ranking results for the keyword it is tagged for.

Finally, this brings us to the element of links. There are good links and bad links. The links you DON'T want are links that don't contain RELEVANT CONTENT RELATION to the subject matter of your website, like we've gone over previously in this lesson about keywords. You don't want to link to a clothing site if you are working on a chicken soup recipe site. However, you do want to link to a sitethat sells kitchen accessories, such as stock pots, knives and spoons.

There is a huge misconception that reciprocal linking , ( exchanging a partners or links page link in trade on your site for a link of your site to be placed on the other person's ), is a bad thing. It actually isn't. Just like the myth that keywords don't work. These types of links simply give you one point towards your ranking score, where they would have given you five to ten points for the same link a few years ago.

Backlinks are the best type of links to have, which are links that you have had members/visitors/clients of your site post on their site/blog/forum that drives traffic back to your site via word of mouth credit. These are the highest valued links for points towards you ranking score.

On to the search engines next time, which will tell you how these elements work within them. It isn't like you'd think.

I hope this has helped and been informative for you.

Reflect before you act with the ' rocking chair test '...If you imagine yourself in your golden years, looking back on your life from a rocking chair, enjoying your final changes to see a sunset and reflect on an action as if it is already completed...take notice and warning that whatever you regret in that future will be the same regret you hold in the present once it is done.
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post 31 Jul 2007, 05:35 PM
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this is invaluable information and written in very simple and understandable english. It is often way harder to explain a complex matter in simple words than use terminology without meaning.


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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