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> Tutorial: How The Search Engines Work-part 2, The Basics Of How The Main Search Engines Work And How We Can Use Them, knowing how the engines work and using them properly in your favor.
post 1 Aug 2007, 10:19 PM
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Hey gang,

Back again for round two. In this section of the tutorial, we are going to go over the simple mechanics of how search engines work and how they use the three main elements that we just went over to judge and set your final rank score.

Just to recap, the three elements are:


To find out how those elements on their own work, please read the first tutorial in this forum string.

Now, let's talk about the three main search engines, being Google, Yahoo, and MSN. These three data-driven search and result display systems are the most popularly known and used, as I'm sure we all know. The thing is that everyone uses a universal ' preaching ' method of telling you what they think is right, wrong and then ' how it is ' on the topic. Here's the flat out truth, guys. There is absolutely NOT one way to operate with all of the search engines. They are unique operating systems. This is why you will get rank of #20 on Google but will be #2 on Yahoo and even #1 on MSN, all for the same keyword. The reason is because these systems are set for indexing your website for different aspects.

Sure, you can make it happen and land for #1 in each of the search engines for the same keyword. The secret is in setting your website for the best arrangement of all of the three primary elements that we've discussed so far. The most common mistake I ever hear and see in the area of SEO is that people target one of the top three engines. There is a common thread between all of the search engines. It is the unspoken element that we just don't talk about because it is the most obvious. It is the element of ' people ' that we always overlook.

The reason for this element being overlooked is because of the very statement that is running through some of your minds as you read this right now...

" Yeah...but, you can't control people. so that doesn't count. "

It's not about controlling the people. It's about ' understadning ' people and knowing what is going to come as a result of their actions. Look at it as people look at the weather. We deal with the weather by monitoring it, watching the path it takes and prepare for the counteraction, which unfortunantly wasn't done properly in the southern region of the U.S. in recent years.

In taking that perspective on how people and search engines work, it becomes clear how someone can make it look like mystical mind control over the masses, when in reality, it is simply watching where the flow of traffic is going and staying ahead of it to guide them to the desired outcome. How this works is simple. Let's look at MSN first.

MSN.com is a great search engine. If you want to get ranked with them, they use all of the elements in the following manner.

1. They process your ' keyword density ' by checking your meta-tags, title-tags and header tags, ( These tags are the reference points in the html code of your website that show the search engine spiders what your keywords/keyphrases are and what your page description for the website is, as well as gives you titles and headings of the page to specifically catalog the subpages properly within the search engine data-directory. This causes the ability for the user to search more and more effective and targeted keywords in their search. ), that rank you on now well your 'keywords ' and your ' content ' relate to the definition of the keywords you are applying to rank for with that engine.

2. They index the number of links you have and count them into two catagories. They read as either ' inbound ', ( better known as a 'backlink' ), or ' outbound ',( a link from your site linking to someone else's site).

They spiders total this up and give you a score of so many points per link, rating for more or less, depending on their relation to the content within the site and which of the two catagories they fall into within the overall scoring system.

3. They index how much movement, activity and traffic you have on your website.If you log into your website and float through the pages, that will NOT count in your favor, because the search engine will log that it comes from your ' ip address ', ( the unique id number that your computer is given to identify it for email, internet connection, etc. This works as uniquely as your own social security number ). However, if you log into your website from a seperate computer or have a friend look at your site after you update it, that counts as new positive traffic.

Because of this easiest and most webmaster friendly system, this is the EASIEST of the top three search engines to get ranked on. This also shows a major point about what I mentioned before on how the engines work together. In ranking high in other search engines, competitors will move you up in rank by simple association in the point systems.

For example, if google has you at #32 for a position and keyword, it is going to spider that connection on MSN in a search for that keyword when you are spidered by the system, which is going to move you up from #67 in MSN to a possible rank of #19 in the next ' cycle ', ( a cycle is a pre-programmed window of time between the access point of a search engine spider/bot indexing and cataloging your website into the search engine data-directory for a standard update and re-ranking process ),due to the fact that you get more credit with MSN and other select search engines because you have an ' authority link ', (which is a special link or site that is recognized as a publicly credited reference resource, like a search engine, organization, directory, reference catalog site, etc ), attached to you website.

With that said, it also proves that this method isn't the most effective value search engine result resource for your site.

Now, moving on to Yahoo. This is my personal favorite search engine because they are fair and the most powerful ranking social search engine. They are professional and sort the fake sites and garbage out of their system. This is how their system works...

1. They rank your site on keyword, content and link relation that MSN does.

2. They rank you by a social standard of your content and how active your site is but, in a different way. Instead of paying attention to how much site activity you have on the physical traffic of the site, they rank you by the activity of content within your site itself. That works by regular article posts to the site article archive, updating blog posts, new forum posts, replacing photos and graphics to new ones every few days, changing the theme of your site with the seasons and holidays.

That makes Yahoo.com different from the other search engines and is the secret to ranking with them quickly. If the content remains related to your keyword and content topic throughout the site and you make those changes regularly, this will skyrocket your rankings. This is why blogs are popular and rank so easily. All you do is change an entry from day to day and there you go, instand site overhaul. Keep in mind that Yahoo.com is what ' Overture.com ', ( the first, original search engine of what we modernly recognize and reffere to as a search engine. This is why they are the strongest and most effective. Don't let google fool you, as it is a puppy when walking with the big dog that yahoo is. Google simple worked more on a marketing edge to the public and is now more common for reasons that we will address in a moment), used to be as they moved from being one to the other.

Finally, we move on to Google, the god-father of search engines. This search engine is absolutely NOT the best search engine. It is simply the most well-known. The reason I say that is because in a head-to-head, oranges to apples competition, Yahoo is a much cleaner and more effective search system. Google doesn't filter out all of the tiny stuff that is old, bad content, etc. They have a lot of work yet to do on their system. They are going through a stage of changes over the past few years and will eventually get it right. For now, here is how they rank websites currently.

1. They check ' content density ', ( same thing as keyword density but is targeted toward strict content relation verification methods ), rather than keyword density because if you don't have everything strictly matching up to your keyword/keyphrase, you will NOT move up in ranking. This is good for the purpose of finding really high-quality content but, doesn't work in a functional method to produce the proper results for ANYONE to be able to rank. That is because their guidelines for ranking isn't clearly stated yet. On a positive note here, I do think Google will reach a level of being a great engine in the future, once all of the kinks are worked out.

2. They index and verify and credit points toward backlinks but do not accept anything for residual/reciprocal links and in most cases count them as negatives, retracting points from your ranking score for them. In my personal opinion, I don't think this is right because cutting out links, especially reciprocal links for related content isn't fair if the content is in fact relevant to each of the two sites.

Example: a tool store site linked to a home improvement site.

That is related content.

Example: a dog walking site linked to a petshop site.

These are what google counts as good refferences. Now, these are backlinks with no connection between the two sites other than one reffering customers to the other. If you rework those examples like the following, they don't count in the system as a ' good link ' for your site.

Example: a tool store site and home improvement site swap links due to content relation.

Example: a dog walking site and petshop site swap links due to content relation.

You will get the points on the ' content density ' here. The secret to ranking in this type of situation is to simply take the greater of the two discounted points so that you still get the points on your ranking score none the less. Don't get discouraged by the ' google slaps ', ( common slang term for major changes made by google developing their system having drastic and damaging effects on website stability ), It is like I previously addressed. Search engines are like the weather. You must track the coming changes and prepare for it ahead of time. Don't try to change the weather, you will only get caught up in it. Simply be prepared to survive and stand strong within the passing storm, leaving you safe and sound to continue on after it goes, just as it will carry forward in leaving you behind...without a second thought.

The final bit of advise on learning about search engines is to learn how they cycle, as I've previously mentioned. All of the systems switch this up at random. The average window is 2-5 days. They don't want the systems running backups every day so it won't be less than every two days and they don't want to risk missing any new data on the sites so it will never be more than five days max.
The average I've discovered is 3 days.

Once you get started working on your seo practices, be sure and keep your content updated at a min. of every 3 days. This will keep you in the best standing position to move up your search engine content score, which in turn, will move up your overall ranking score.

With that said, here are the three rules of successfully getting ranked and understanding how search engines function

1. Keep your site active - Build your content to be easily updated and forever changing and growing.

2. Keep your links relevant - Build your links as reciprocals and backlinks as much as you can, accepting only the ones that are related by content. You will never lose with that perspective.

3. Keep your site updated with the search engines - Submit your site every three to six months to the engines.

I hope this helps you and has been informative.

Until next time.

Reflect before you act with the ' rocking chair test '...If you imagine yourself in your golden years, looking back on your life from a rocking chair, enjoying your final changes to see a sunset and reflect on an action as if it is already completed...take notice and warning that whatever you regret in that future will be the same regret you hold in the present once it is done.
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post 4 Aug 2007, 09:03 PM
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I have read your topic here again but now i read it word to word : really valuable info.

Such topics can boost a forum ranking too default.wink.gif


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 15 May 2009, 10:26 AM
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post 19 Feb 2013, 12:50 PM
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The whole article if good and have much knowledge for SEO newbies. Search Engine Optimization and SEM consultancy helps a websites to beat competitors nicely. Everything is available on internet about SEO Onpage and SEO Offpage optimization. Choose the best techniques and get training of selected tools.

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