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> The “Travelling & Tourism” section

The Travelling & Tourism section...

Hi there! Are you interested in sharing some of your point of views on certain cities, countries, towns, islands, etc.? Would you like some tips from some members on specific sites, or areas in this world? Are you hesitating between a particular hotel, and another hotel to stay? You have come to the right place.

On this section, you have the possibility to talk about anything concerning the “tourists” subject. We’ve got dedicated members, many of them know wonderful countries, and some of them have been in many places around the globe. Also, for your convenience, we have two sub-forums on this section:

  1. Transportation
  2. Are you an airplane fan? Do you have any experiences to share from a particular airport, or from an airplane? What companies do you wish to comment about? This sub-forum will little by little gather airplane fans, and all of its subsidiaries.
  3. Shopping
  4. Shopping is now, for many people, a hobby; spending a lot of money on the latest brands, going shops to shops, and enjoying the fact of shopping! You might be a shopping fan, and you might want to share some of your experiences. Share with us shops you might know, whether they are local, national, or international: we want to know!
As for rules, they are the same than the forum rules (please check them if you are not familiar with those). In short, we ask you to respect members, respect their opinions, thoughts, and comments. If you do not go by the rules, one of the staff members will impose a sanction.
Enjoy the section, and do not hesitate to contact the staff to share your suggestions!

Kindly yours,

“YourForum” staff.

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> Video: The MOST DANGEROUS and EXTREME RAILWAYS in the World!! Compilation of Incredible Train Journeys!!
post 11 May 2017, 12:34 AM
Post #1

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Group: Admin
Posts: 115784
Joined: 3-June 05
From: Athens, Greece
Member No.: 1
Zodiac Sign: I'm a leo!
Gender: I'm a m!

Name: The MOST DANGEROUS and EXTREME RAILWAYS in the World!! Compilation of Incredible Train Journeys!!
Category: Travelling
Short Description: None Provided

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c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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