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> Shopping

Shopping section

Shopping is now, for many people, a hobby; spending a lot of money on the latest brands, going shops to shops, and enjoying the fact of shopping! You might be a shopping fan, and you might want to share some of your experiences. Share with us shops you might know, whether they are local, national, or international: we want to know!

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> What Shops Do You Like?, Ever heard of shopping!? :D
post 3 Dec 2006, 06:51 PM
Post #1

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For many of us, shopping has become a hobby. For me, shopping never was my passion, but for some of you it must be your "job"! default.biggrin.gif My wife is a shopping fan, and I always wonder why my credit card keeps on loosing money... When I check the bills, 50 % comes for my wife's shopping. I was never able to ask to actually stop going out in every boutiques she knows.

I'm sure you all have your experiences when shopping. Some of us might be the kind of "I go to the same shops everyday", or some of us might be the kind of "I never go shopping". I'd like to know what shops you like, and why you do. Also, have you ever had any bad experiences when shopping? Did it make you stop shopping?

Here is one of my experiences:

My wife once asked me to go shopping for her -- as she was sick. I had to go get her a new coat, ordered in advance and ready for her. However, stupid as I can be, I came back with the wrong one. Unfortunately, after spending 200 dollars for it, I was not able to get my money back! Indeed, how stupid can I be! default.tongue.gif


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post 3 Dec 2006, 10:04 PM
Post #2

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kolobok.lol.gif i am still laughing with that last sentence !

i am no real shopper but i can spend a months salary online very easily...

lately i find myself doing almost all shopping online and when i get credit cards bill i realise i have to work even more !


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post 4 Dec 2006, 08:23 AM
Post #3

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Do you shop on Amazon in Greece?

I usually buy all of my electronic devices online. It's cheaper, and it's easier.


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post 4 Dec 2006, 10:43 AM
Post #4

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From: Athens, Greece
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Zodiac Sign: I'm a leo!
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I am usually shopping from www.pixmania.fr which you might know better ( France wink.gif )

But i also shop from www.play.com ( UK ), www.technikdirect.de ( DE ) and a lot of greek e-shops because they deliver really fast


c:\ When the going gets tough, the tough get going ...
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post 4 Dec 2006, 03:10 PM
Post #5

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In DC, I usually order on Amazon or Barnes and Nobles. I get it delivered very fast with FedEx, UPS, or DHL. Does Greece offer the same delivery advantages as in the USA?


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